First Executive Résumés

Products and ServicesFirst Executive Résumés

A universal electronic résumé. This is your key introductory résumé. It is a uniquely tailored document that is suitable for key word scanning. Highly compelling, it uses short paragraphs and emphasizes your transferable skills. Few people understand how to maximize their appeal online... when using email. Our e'résumés are short, and the style and format maximize key word search effectiveness.

Please Note: The difference between an "A" résumé and a "B" résumé is enormous. When you have an "A" résumé it's not just likely to be two times more effective than a "B" résumé--it's often 100 times more effective. But, it simply isn't easy to prepare an "A" résumé. We create an "A" résumé for each of our clients. Developing your documents takes substantial staff time, including three or four drafts of each item. Our Creative Review Board must then approve them before release to you. The résumés we write are materials of commanding distinction, with every word guaranteed to your satisfaction. They are designed to capture the best expression of your work experiences, marketable assets and transferable skills.

An interview résumé. This is for leaving behind at interviews, once you have made a strong impression and people want to know more. A persuasive document of distinction, an interview résumé is typically 2 to 3 pages in length. It intentionally reveals more about your career and industry history.

A personal résumé and biography web site. A personal career and biographical web site is the most powerful tool of our résumé enhancement module. It is customized, along with your input in counsel with our Director of Web Site and Technology Development. We will work in concert with you to develop a basic personal web site or enhance your site with video of you introducing yourself welcoming hiring authorities to your site. This module will contain all of the above résumés and biographics. Having a personalized executive styled web site is the tool that will differentiate you from all other applicants. It is expedient for hiring authorities to access your career and personal information. Giving the perspective hiring authority the speed and convenience of visiting your web site will be appreciated. Also, your personal career web site will accentuate your acumen to utilize unique technology tools as well.