First Executive Résumés

BenefitsFirst Executive Résumés

The rewards from advancing your career, or moving into a job with greater challenge and opportunity can be significant. Here's how we help people.

Saving months of time and money.The U.S. Labor Department says the average search takes 6 to 12 months. If you are unemployed at $100K you are losing $8,333/month... at $200K--$16,667/month... and at $300K--$25,000 per month. Depending on your severance, this means you risk going into your savings monthly... for significant amounts. Saving 3 to 4 months time can offer an outstanding return on investment.

Savings from tax deductibility is important.Our charges are normally tax deductible so the real expense is 22-35% less.

Speed and convenience.This can be very important. Having a full résumé portfolio, which includes your career web site, is expedient and convenient for you to market yourself to more companies and opportunities. It is also expedient and convenient for potential employers who will take notice of your consideration of their time.

Career satisfaction.For most people getting a new position with more challenge, satisfaction and enjoyment is paramount.

Investing in yourself.Austin Kiplinger, the publisher of The Kiplinger Magazine, once addressed the importance of a career investment. He said, "Look at your career as your primary investment. Keep your earning power at its highest level. The money you spend doing this will return more to you than any other investment. You are your own best investment!"