First Executive Résumés

News / InformationFirst Executive Résumés

The size of the market. Each month, 3,000,000 jobs are available at any moment in time... for professionals and executives. However, when you allow for casual and active job seekers, at least 30,000,000 people circulate résumés each month. 18,000,000 people will seek jobs over $100,000 this year.

Why competition has grown. With the use of PCs, faxes and emails, people now distribute far more résumés. Also, with people working longer, more people are in the market than at any previous time. In addition, even after they accept new positions, many people leave résumés online... creating more competition. One job board claims 56 million résumés on file.

What this competition means to you. Today, ads for attractive jobs draw from 100 to 300 candidates. (Furthermore, even after you work hard to get a good interview, 5, 7 or even 10 strong candidates are likely to be given final consideration. This is why our advanced résumé and career presentation products are more critical than ever.) The bottom line is you need to generate a lot of interest. To do that you need to compete at a higher career presentation level.