First Executive Résumés

News / InformationFirst Executive Résumés

Old vs. new résumé portfolios: Why traditional résumé presentation is no longer effective. The problems many people experience are often traced to the lack of resources at their disposal. There are very few people who realize the importance of selling their transferable skills. Even fewer come up with ways to neutralize their liabilities. And, when it comes to their materials, they often rely on a single historical resume that says, "Here is John Doe, he went to these schools, he had these jobs." Today, you need compelling resumes which tell a strong story.

After they do a résumé, they generally take trial-and-error actions... as they answer ads, place their résumé on job boards, network friends and contact a few recruiters. That's all that tens of millions of people do.

What's the solution? Today, superior marketing distinguishes America's top firms, including, PepsiCo, IBM, J & J, Apple Computer and others. Years ago, a Harvard Business Review cover story put it most appropriately. It was called "Marketing is Everything." Our philosophy is based on the same principles. Marketing is your key to job hunting success. First Executive Résumés will give you the presentation tools to enable you to differentiate you from the many thousands applying for the top positions. First Executive Résumés will enhance your career presentation accomplishment "tool box" to jump over the masses addressing upper management positions.

The types of people we serve

  • Those seeking financial growth
  • People who want speed and convenience
  • People at a career crossroads
  • People looking for more responsibility
  • Those wishing to change industries
  • Professionals with liabilities to be neutralized
  • Those who want to relocate... or stay locally
  • People who want aggressive resume` and presentation strategy
  • Employed and unemployed professionals